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Find out information in this section to help you with many aspects of renting. All the information in these advice pages have been reviewed by our lawyers.

cartoon illustration of a worried woman talking on a phone at a kitchen table with utility bills

Starting your tenancy

Moving into a new home can be exciting but there are lots of things to do. Make sure you have everything you need to start your tenancy smoothly.

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Middle aged woman with her son and senior mother in front of a white cladded rented house

During your tenancy

Learn about your rights at home, who pays the bills, and what you can do about problems with rent payments or increases.

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Smiling young multicultural couple cooking in their rented home

Ending your tenancy

Moving out can be exciting or stressful, or both! Find out what you need to do when you want to leave, and what your rights are if the landlord wants you to leave.

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Man surrounded by moving boxes at the end of a tenancy in his rented home

Landlord problems

Learn about the steps you can take if you have a dispute with the landlord (rental provider). We cover rental provider breaches and breach notices, going to VCAT, and where you can make a complaint.

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Shocked women reading a text from her landlord

Different tenancies

We have lots of information for renters in different tenancies – public housing residents, students, international students, people in share houses and residents in rooming houses and caravan parks.

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Group of six mailboxes in different shapes and colours against green foliage

Language resources

We have guides for renters in community languages, currently Arabic, Simplified Chinese and Dari/Farsi. We will be adding more information in future.

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Financial hardship

If you are a private renter experiencing financial hardship, our confidential and free financial counselling service may be able to help you. This page also links to useful help offered by other websites and services.

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